7 Social Media Tips for Small Businesses

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Tackling social media can be a daunting task for any small business owner. Although daunting, it’s important for brands to have a social media presence. Social Media allows you to build brand awareness and loyalty with your target audience. Not to mention, social media is great for generating new leads.

We’ve compiled some tips to help you begin your social media journey for your small business. These tips will help you build lifelong brand awareness, generate leads, and further grow your business through the power of social media.

Set Attainable, Yet Specific Goals

The Word Goals on a Typewriter

Determine what your goal is for your social media channels. Do you want to further drive your brand recognition or generate more inbound leads? Make sure your goals are backed by a strategic plan. This will give you a roadmap to obtaining those goals.

Setting up social media goals this early in the process will allow you to better market to your target audience, bring results, and of course, save money in the long run.

Pick the Right Channels

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Despite what you may think, you DO NOT need to be on every social media platform. Different platforms attract different types of people. Those people may or may not be within your target audience.

Review your target audience or your buyer persona and determine what platform your target audience likes best. Social Media Today has a great infographic that you can reference to determine the best platforms your business can use based off your target audience.

It’s best to start small when it comes to social media platforms. Try developing a marketing strategy for one or two social media platforms that your target audience users. Once you’ve mastered those platforms, look to further expand your social media reach.  

Determine your Posting Schedule

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Consistency is key! This means that planning is very important when it comes to your social media content. Posting consistently will allow your audience to anticipate when new content is going to be released on your channel. It also helps your brand appear active and engaging on social media.

If you’re having trouble posting consistently, it might be a good idea to look into a scheduling tool that allows you to preschedule posts that are automatically posted at a set time.

Engage with your Audience

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It’s not enough to just post on social media anymore. You also have to engage with your audience! Social Media is about having a two-way conversation with your audience. Make sure you are interacting with your audience on a daily basis. This can be done by responding to messages, comments, and shares on your page.

It’s also important that the content you are producing is engaging as well. Make sure all of your posts aren’t just promotional. It’s important to connect with your audience on a human-to-human level and not brand-to-human.

Drive Traffic to your Website

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Just because your audience found you on social media, doesn’t mean they’re restricted to that platform. Leverage blog posts and content from your website in order to drive your audience to your website. This will allow your audience to learn even more about your brand and your product offerings.

When someone heads to your website for more information about your brand, they also might stumble upon your contact me page -which means, they might convert to a lead!

Keep an Eye on your Competitors

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Check out what your competitors are doing on their social media platforms. They are going after your target audience after all. Keeping an eye on what your competitors are doing allows you to see what content is working for your target audience and what content they are avoiding. This gives you a leg up when developing and adapting your social media strategy.

Continue Learning and Adapting

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Start small with tackling social media for your business and continue learning. As you’re learning, you’ll be able to review your social media insights and determine what strategies are working on your social media platforms and what strategies need to be revisited.

It’s also a good idea to keep up to date on the latest social media updates and trends and further adapt your marketing strategy from there.

If you’re still having trouble furthering your brand reach or building your brand’s engagement through social media, please reach out to us at hello@peaklycreative.com. We’re more than happy to help set your brand up for social media success!